
Prices for additional pictures:
8x10- 7.99
5x7- 4.99
8 wallets- 7.99
$1 more for sepia and b&w

Professional Photographers Bios and Links:

Darlene Phares has a B.A. in film from Art Center and currently teaches film.
Paul Verlangeri has a B.A. in photography from art center.
Pictures taken by Paul
Tara Sos - "Any type of portrait photography is captivating to me and I am up for any challenge thrown my way.
Megan Siana- Megan Siana's passion for portrait photography began in 2001.
Danielle Williams- "Photography is the air I breathe, and it makes me feel alive. I can't explain it, all I know is that it is what I was meant to do."

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